Grant Information
SFFEA’s Approach
The Scripps Family Fund for Education and the Arts (“SFFEA”) makes grants to organizations in support of programs that serve a range of ages from Pre-K through young adult. Grants are directed at new initiatives, program support and expansion, and capacity building. SFFEA aims to support ideas that might be difficult to fund otherwise and seeks to leverage its grant making by focusing on opportunities that help organizations increase the populations they serve, broaden their effectiveness and impact, and improve financial sustainability. SFFEA does not generally make grants to endowments or for general operating support.
Additionally, in April 2021, SFFEA launched a quick grants initiative to increase funding for the foundation’s mission to support learning, enrichment, and inspiration for economically underserved children and youth. This program makes grants of up to $10,000 to organizations for general operating, program, and scholarship support, with an emphasis on smaller organizations where this level of funding is meaningful. These quick grants are national in scope with a focus on Connecticut. SFFEA expects to continue this funding initiative on an ongoing basis.
SFFEA considers funding opportunities on an invitation-only basis and does not accept unsolicited proposals.

2023 Grants
Grant Total $2,799,147
Quicks Grants are Denoted with *
READy for the Grade programs are Denoted with **
Adam J. Lewis Academy (CT)*
All Our Kin (CT)*
American Dance Festival (NC)*
American Museum of Natural History (NY)*
American Songbook Association (NY)*
Artists Collective (CT)*
Arts for Learning Connecticut (CT)
Arts Ignite (NY)*
Bloomingdale School of Music (NY)*
Boundless Literacy (CT)*
Bridgeport Caribe Youth Leaders (CT)*
Bridgeport Public Education Fund (CT)*
Building One Community (CT)
Cardinal Shehan Center (CT)*
Carver Foundation of Norwalk (CT)*
Charter Oak Cultural Center (CT)*
Children of Promise, NYC (NY)
Children’s Literacy Foundation (VT)*
Children’s Village (NY)
Cincinnati Academy of Performing Arts (OH)*
CitySeed (CT)*
Clemente Course in the Humanities (National)*
Concrete Safaris (NY)*
Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Pomfret (CT)*
Connecticut Center for Arts and Technology (ConnCAT) (CT)*
Connecticut Children’s Museum (CT)*
Connecticut Council for Philanthropy (CT)
Connecticut Democracy Center (CT)*
Connecticut Humanities Council (CT)
Connecticut Institute for Refugees and Immigrants (CIRI) (CT)*
Connecticut Public Broadcasting (CT)
Connecticut Science Center (CT)
Connecticut Storytelling Center (CT)
Connecting Through Literacy: Incarcerated Parents, Their Children and Caregivers (CLICC) (CT)*
Connect-Us (CT)*
Danbury Grassroots Academy (CT)*
Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center (CT)*
Discovering Amistad (CT)*
Domus Kids (CT)*
Elena’s Light (CT)*
Elm Shakespeare Company (CT)*
Ethel Walker School (CT)*
Felix Organization – Adoptees for Children (NY)*
Fresh Air Fund (NY)*
Frost Valley YMCA (NY/NJ)*
Future 5 (CT)*
Girl Scouts of Connecticut (CT)*
Goodspeed Opera House (CT)
Greater Connecticut Youth Orchestras (CT)*
Green Village Initiative (CT)*
Harlem Academy (NY)*
Hartford Promise (CT)*
Hartford Stage Company (CT)
Higher Edge (CT)*
Higher Heights Youth Empowerment Programs (CT)*
Hispanic Alliance of Southeastern Connecticut (CT)*
Horizons at Norwalk Community College (CT)*
Horizons at The Foote School (CT)
Horizons Bridgeport (CT)
Horizons National Student Enrichment Program (CT)
Housatonic Community College Foundation (CT)*
Inner City Youth Opportunities (OH)*
Intempo Organizations (CT)*
Inter District Committee – Project Oceanology (CT)*
Kids Empowered by Your Support (KEYS) (CT)*
Klein Memorial Auditorium (CT)
Leadership Education and Athletics in Partnership (LEAP) (CT)
Leahy Center for Lake Champlain (ECHO) (VT)*
Listen Center (NH)*
Lower East Side Tenement Museum (NY)*
Lutz Children’s Museum (CT)
Mark Twain House and Museum (CT)*
Mattatuck Museum (CT)*
McGivney Community Center (CT)*
Mill River Collaborative (CT)*
Montshire Museum of Science (VT)*
Music Will (CT/VT)
Mystic Aquarium (CT)
Mystic Seaport Museum (CT)
National Museum of Mathematics (NY)
New England Air Museum (CT)
New England Science & Sailing (CT)
New Haven Free Public Library – Stetson Branch (CT)**
New Haven Free Public Library – Wilson Branch (CT)**
New Haven Reads Community Book Bank (CT)*
New Haven Symphony Orchestra (CT)*
New Victory Theater (NY)*
New York City Center (NY)*
New-York Historical Society (NY)
Niantic Children’s Museum (CT)
Northern Stage (VT)*
Norwalk/Stamford Grassroots Tennis & Education (CT)*
Old Sturbridge Village (CT)
Open Doors (CT)*
Opening Act (NY)
Our Piece of The Pie (CT)*
Person to Person (CT)*
Prep for Prep (NY)*
Project Music (CT)*
Providence Children’s Museum (RI)*
Quinebaug Valley Community College Foundation (CT)
Reach Out and Read (CT)
REACH Prep (CT)*
Read to Grow (CT)
Report for America (National)
Scope USA (NY)*
Scripps Howard Fund (KY)
Scripps Institute of Oceanography (CA)*
Solar Youth (CT)*
SoundWaters (CT)
Student Sponsor Partnership (NY)*
Talladega College (AL)
Teach for America Connecticut (CT)
TEAK Fellowship (NY)
The Children’s Museum (CT)*
The Lincoln Center Theater (NY)*
The Literary Classics of the US (Library of America) (National)*
Town of Vernon (Rockville Public Library) (CT)**
Town of Windham (Willimantic Public Library) (CT)**
Upper Valley Haven (VT)*
Vermont Institute of Natural Science (VT)*
Windham County 4-H Foundation (CT)*
For 2020-2022 giving, please click the link below:
Updated February 2024